Monday, August 30, 2010

Introduction to the Love Shack 1.1

Love Shack is a private owned organization that is out there for those who are newlyweds on their honeymoon, a family on vacation, or also for that special someone who is lonely and trying to find a place to stay to find their significant other.We currently have two locations, one is located in Florida for those of you who want to have a little more fun and along with the "beachy" area. Our second location is where we all dream of going, the Bahamas. Our prices vary from the size and location. Also, if there is an issue with money, we can help you out there and negotiate. Our current employee count is 20 employees total, 10 per location. We have different agents that are through out the shopping malls and mose convenient places for you. Get an agent and stick with them and maybe you can get discounts through out the years if you plan to return. We hope this gives you a basic overlook of the information you may have been asking for. Also, we hope and plan to meeting you very soon!